He wants to save your soul, He wants to be merciful unto you, come now, come from allover the place. No God loves you! Warren Wiersbe says of this moment, Peter was humbled, not by his night of failure but by his astounding success; this is a mark of real character. So Im going to ask all of you to please turn in this direction. We launch out to preach the gospelto tell broken, shattered people that there is salvation through the blood of Jesus. I said, Daddy, you can see now, this auditorium is too small now, I mean there is nowhere for people to move. He said, But I already told you, very soon, a new auditorium, four times as big as this one How many of you want God to increase you? Ive experienced both, but I can tell you that I MUCH prefer the first type of prayer! understanding. Lets practice giving, lets begin to give from now. Verb - Aorist Imperative Active - 2nd Person Plural. If Hes distributing 20,000 children, one way or the other, I know somebody will grab one! (Thank you ma, time over! (Amen!) Launching into the deep in prayer involves using Gods word in prayer. Yes, sir) And by the special grace of God the doctor gave me some medicine. Tell them we will know who is crazy very soon! So either waywhether you feel thankful or notenter into His gates with thanksgiving. Thank You Daddy Glory be to Your Holy Name! Probably from a primary verb diko; a seine. Praise the Lord! Surprise everyone of us. Remember one of the promises of God at the beginning of this year is that the fate of certain nations will be sealed this year. Secondly she came for this years Convention, the Almighty God healed her and her children and the recent one was what happened yesterday. You fulfilled Your promise to them after the Babylonian captivity and in 1948. And when you are talking to the one who wrote the Bible He can tell you what he wrote in the Bible. Lets allow the ministers of God to go and then we can go home rejoicing. I called my children, I told them, they said I was imagining it that there was nothing wrong with it. You waken my ear to hear as the learned (Isa. Launching into the deep involves counting all as loss, and giving in to what God has to say / reveal to you. That was the first question I asked when God said that id the passage for today. Theres another case, very interesting one, some people are plotting to get you out of your position in your place of work. Daddy said, among those who are considered barren today that by this time next year, six of them will have triplets! You have entered an incorrect email address! Now before I bless the offering the following people should come quickly and share their testimonies in two-two minutes. Rather, it was to be an example of how to pray. 5And Simon answering said unto him, Master, we have toiled all the night, and have taken nothing: nevertheless at thy word I will let down the net. Now before the final blessing and you are on your way, please remember to pray for Liberia, the enemy is trying to raise his ugly head again but the enemy will fail. (Thank you ma, time over! I told you, you have to consider the pocket of your husband! You will typically see these welcome signs on the side of the road a, Midnight Special Dangerous Prayer Points (For 3Days) NOVEMBER 13, 2014 / PRAYER COMMANDO IT MUST WORK FOR ME. Genesis 1 verse 5 He said, And the evening and the morning is the first day. And thats why God said in Psalm 30:5 Weeping may endure for a night but joy cometh when? A fishing-net. Prayers to Command the Morning, the Day, and the Night I command the morning to take hold of the ends of the earth and shake the wicked out of it (Job 38:12). (Alleluia!) We started going from one hospital to the other and 1995, there was a temptation that came to us. Out in the deep water, we learn how to trust and how to pray. You know, tonight, I was just talking to Daddy as I sat down there. Lets hear from those three. Let our miracles last forever. You have not seen anything! A prolonged form of an otherwise obsolete verb; to talk, i.e. That is why I am sure that things will be different for those who have been labouring in vain tonight in Jesus Name! Moral of the story? And you know what? You can find Thanksgiving songs to get into the Thanksgiving phase. as they go, go with them. Thank You so much Jaime, I have been in a dry season for a while now and trying to shake back. Thats why the wife and the elders are also welcome anytime. Those who are going to get babies and it wont be only one but they will now continue to have as many as they want. 3 boys! (Amen!) He couldnt make it 3 boys and 1 girl! All donations are tax deductible in full or in part. When we are willing to follow Christ into deep, unfamiliar waters, we will have closer fellowship with Him. June last year I went to London to go and visit my children. I dont know how to go in deep prayer sometimes I need to play first music prayer to go to deep. 6 And when they had this done, they inclosed a great multitude of fishes: and their net brake. Im sure they have done so. Thank You Lord! The "gates" are the first thing you cross when you're going in somewhere. sisters until we make up our mind to launch into the deep we will not By that time Ive lost 4 kilos so when I got to Murtala Mohammed I prayed that prayer and I went to meet my child. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::; This Must Be Prayed for 3 Nights consecutively. Be a worshipper! Lets look at a few points: (Amen!) You will just be dancing in your seat and we will worship the Almighty God. If you dont already have one, make finding a trusted prayer partner one of your goals in 2023. In my moments where it at times felt fruitless to pray, I would guide myself to give prayers of thanksgiving, as I felt God had done enough and wasnt ready to do more, I know now that was the enemy causing me too think that way. May 3: How to Invest in Tax Liens and Tax Deeds, 7 Life-Changing Prayers for People Who Feel Forgotten. Perhaps our greatest obstacle in seeing the miraculous power of God is our own apathy. Lack of resources is not our problemwe have the boat and net. Holy Spirit will help you, and youll have a powerful time of prayer that is a supernatural encounter with the Living God. If Im going to catch fish as a fisherman, the best time is the night. If you believe that say Amen (Amen!). Thank You for those that were healed. My gosh! Launching into the deep in prayer involves using Gods word in prayer. It works every time! Grant me the grace to continually abide therein. Thank you Ms. Jamie for opening my eyes about praying. Oh, its a pity Fela has gone, he will tell you haaa, heyeye, hohoho thats the song they sing in hell. Thank You! Let somebody shout Alleluia! If he was unsure about his life purpose before, he wasnt now. But by the following day, when we called on those who were barren before who had got their children, to come forward and we counted the number of children for the two conventions it was 5517! You see, you need to understand something about God. (Alleluia!). How many children do you want the barren to bring forth, next year Convention?" It is only God. Lets just listen to those three tonight. Let it be on divine healing, prosperity, deliverance, anything before that sermon is over, one way or the other, we will smuggle in holiness. When we read the Word we come to learn that the Holy Spirit prays for us and also teaches , and reveals to us the Mind of God ,and what His will is in our lives. Look at -; lets go through some of them very quickly. (Amen!) I just want to stay with You and remain. Dont stop praying for our President, his success is our success. I married my wife in 1991 and as we started living together we discovered that she could not take in and when we went to the doctor they started giving us reasons. Thank You Daddy! (Do it!). Each one will keep on crying: Holiness! Ask me to preach one thousand sermons. Pray the Word, Marilee. When I got to London on the 1 of September I had some pinching in one of these my eyes, the right eye. Like somebody said, Anytime we say praise the Lord, and people are shouting Alleluia, my Alleluia is different from your own. They know the meaning of Psalm 127 verse 3: It says, Children are an heritage of the Lord. So they appreciate children. But those who keep getting them like rabbits, they say they dont bother much! Amen Praise the Lord! (Amen!) For example. Thank You Lord! Thank You Lord! Thank You Daddy! Let me give you an example . Do I hear the workers shout Alleluia! Thus says the Lord; from now on that is how you will laugh at your enemies. So that as they lay their hands on you, they are going to carry anointing that had been multiplied twice over to you. There is someone here tonight who will never weep again. Thank you so much for this beautiful article and wonderful words of encouragement on Prayer. All glory be to God! He asked me to take six tablets a day, that the thing would be all right. (Alleluia!) (Amen!) In todays accommodating culture, we are willing to dabble in service for the Lordwe may even wade out a bit further than the Christian next to usbut we insist on staying near the shore. Brethren. Continue Reading 10But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God. Surprise everyone of us. Sit down please tonight, thank you. I dont want there ever to be a time when I feel separated from You. You see because Daddy has been doing so many things apart from what you can see with your eyes. Some of you now, as soon as you finish the Holy Ghost Service and you get home, dont wait to the night! been toiling but He wants you to continue to trust in Him. Let it be well with all ministers. Nearly every time I begin to pray, I pray this promise FIRST. Thank You for Jesus. In Jesus time, bread was a staple one of the most basic needs of life and he did not hesitate to ask God to provide it. If you didnt already know this story, you might guess that when Peter saw the great multitude of fishes in his net, he would let out a great shout and eagerly calculate his new wealth. Ahh! he said, you must be joking. Im telling you your kingdom is gone. How would you like to have a son who will speak a word and God will say Amen? I have decided to follow Jesus; I have decided to follow Jesus; I have decided to follow Jesus; No turning back, no turning back. Please bear in mind that being a Christian does not give you an automatic victory but doorway to the victory that has been won for you by Christ. Number three. There is someone here tonight who will never weep again. (Amen!) He let them down into the water for a draught. Launching out into the deep was only the first half of Jesus command. But we need to learn, what must I do so that I dont lose the victory I have got tonight? If you were blessed let me hear you shout Alleluia! Thank You for putting laughter in our mouths! Of course, January 1998, toward the end my wife took in and fellow brethren in the church were laughing saying perhaps she' carrying triplets we don' know! ), Now, these people who had been barren before, when they finally get their children, they appreciate children more. We at Jewish Voice are in just such a season, seeking to go deeper in a number of areas. Praise the Lord! (Amen!) When she came here she came through invitation of a woman who was also trusting God for the fruit of the womb. I mean, when He was beginning to explain Luke 5 to me like Im explaining it to you now, all I could say was God you are too wonderful! And the mother of Jesus said, as I am saying to you tonight, Whatsoever he asks you to dowhat should you do? God leave me alone, Im a sinner, let me keep on suffering! And Jesus said, No, you have surrendered to me. My heart desire is to be a house of prayer. Verse 1: "Now it happened that while the crowd was pressing around Him and listening to the word of God, He was standing by the lake of Gennesaret." So Luke makes explicitly clear what Jesus had brought to this moment for man-fishing. Come and surrender your life to Him. He came from a barren woman. Oh, Thank You Daddy! Thanks and God bless you. If God is involved, once God is in partnership with husband and wife producing children becomes as easy as ABC because Proverbs 10:22 it says it is the blessing of the Lord that maketh rich and addeth no sorrow. From the base of chasma; to lower. Here I am alone in this room but I am with my Daddy, Daddy Adeboye! I said, I join my faith to his and that the Almighty God should heal me! Amen Praise the Lord! Oh, Blessed be Your Holy Name! To gain depth in prayer, it involves reading the Word of God. God is heard in deep and sincere prayer. If He says that is what is going to lead to your conception just jump. Im sure the counsellors are going to need the assistance of the deacons and deaconesses - please go there and help them. Amen! Obedient. Even after the initial launch, our faith may falter. And I am sure you are already preparing for the Holy Ghost Festival of December - December 16-18. As Christians, the name of this blog stands for what it is. So when they came to Jesus, as told in Matthew 6, they didnt say, Teach us another prayer. They said, Lord, teach us to pray.. In deep prayer, pour out your heart and soul to God, as the Holy Spirit leads. Thank you Sister for bringing awareness to this very important part of prayers. Luke 5 recounts a time that the Lord encouraged His disciples to launch out into deeper waters to be more effective. Gods voice comes to those who are expecting and ready to hear from Him. Thank you dear. He would throw the net, pull it in, nothing, threw it again, pull it in, nothing, do it again and then the day came. Praise the Lord! God speaks in accordance to His word. You want to retain your victory? Theres plenty of money in the bank. If so, can you also remember a time when you tried to pray, but you just couldnt focus? I refused, I said I was going home. Several people were healed tonight one says hes been healed of asthma, one is healed of heart attack; one is healed of what is the other one all kinds! - Father, let me surprise all my enemies in this New Year in Jesus name. I prayed that prayer and I told my doctor I was going home. [3] Stepping into one of the boats, Jesus asked Simon, its owner, to push it out into the water. Must be all about Holy Spirit after all, huh? 110:3). And I want you to do it very well I just want you to laugh! NYC-USA. You are a good Father. God is deep! Thats why I know that at least for some people here tonight, beginning from me, no more fruitless efforts in my life. And one of the reasons why God is attracted towards them is that when they pray, their prayers are sincere prayers. Praise the living Jesus! Oh, they can study like nobodys business but on the day of examination they always forget everything they have learnt. So let me hear you shout Alleluia if you are the one. A sister in which we were friends went to her hometown, met her granny and she took in and she came back and said we should follow her to her granny,. And because they appreciate children, they love them just as God loves them. (Amen!) And when the big problems come, we try everything we can to solve the problem before we think to pray. Now when Jesus told Peter to launch into the deep and throw your net to the right, Peter said, Mmmh, that instruction doesnt make sense. The focus in deep prayer is God, and through Christ Jesus we come into the presence of the Father. The Lord is calling you now. My Father and my God, I know that this is going to be an extraordinary night and I just want to thank you in advance, but meanwhile O Lord, I just want to thank You for the last Convention. In conclusion No real ministry will take place in your life or mine, until we, too, are willing to cross the threshold of humility. If youd like to help, please check out the partnership details and products available for sale here. Because it takes somebody that God has brought out of the miry clay, somebody who had waited patiently on the Lord for a long time to sing a new song to God. There is a king here that the enemies have told you you will not last on your Fathers throne. Those of you at my left, youll be ministered to at the extreme left. But we sit on the dock attempting to catch fish in shallow waters. By this time my mouth has turned to the left. James 4:10 directs us to, Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up. Jesus condescended to our low estate so every person might have an opportunity to be saved. You will always find Abraham building an altar so he can worship God. Thank You! ), Father we want to bless your name because this is the day you had made. Behold in 1997 my wife came here for the very first time. The night had been long and fruitless. I aid God! Number two; the best place is shallow water so I dont understand this idea of launching into the deep in the daytime. Whatever God asks you to do tonight that is what you must do! O Lord, I bless and honor you, for by your mercy and grace I am able to join this season of prayer and fasting 2. Powerful prayer Jamie. This is my specialty. (Amen! 10:38 also says "The just shall live by faith". Is Anything Too Hard For The Lord Prayer Points, Prayer Points For Great And Mighty Things, Prayer Points For God To Reveal Himself To Me, Prayer Points Using The Blood Of Jesus As A Weapon MFM, On this renowned platform, we publish dangerous prayer points for today, prayer points for 2023, powerful prayer points for the world, prayer points for present situation, prophetic prayer points for breakthrough, MFM prayer points on making a difference, prayer points for the church, warfare prayer points with scriptures, prayer points for family, prayer points for mercy with bible verses, prayer points for financial breakthrough with bible verses, thanksgiving prayer points for favour and open doors, morning prayer points, midnight prayer points, thanksgiving prayer points with scriptures, prayer of jabez prayer points and. Thank You for safety. (Amen!) So dont let the Devil tell you, God hates you thats why you are barren. Ask the doctor he will tell you that when your husband has finished his assignment there are several fish that will begin to swim. I was hearty and hale before I left Nigeria. (Amen!) They dont talk about O Lord, my God! baba, baba, baba, baba, ese o baba.. Thank You Lord! Let our joy overflow. Love and Prayers!!! I cant say more than that right now. They brought five loaves of fish and two fish to Jesus. When it got to the hand of the disciples it multiplied again so we had double multiplication. Hannah said, to God: God, I know You need a prophet, I need a son. And the same with my extreme left, behind the altar and we will use even the front of the altar. Its a great place to be! 11 And when they had brought their ships to land, they forsook all, and followed him. They were what? Oh, glory, glory, glory, glory, glory, glory, glory, glory, glory, be to Your Holy Name Lord! I couldnt eat well. Oh what a wonderful, wonderful day, day I will never forgetHeaven came down and glory filled my soulI am rejoicing my name has been written, I am rejoicing for I am born again. Luke 5 How many of you were blessed by the first sermon? Let there be peace in Nigeria. The two kinds of prayer experiences are as different as night and day. Brethren It was during the Convention as I was praying around on the Camp. How many children of Abraham are here tonight? document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. While I was sitting down there I was doing a little bit of wrestling with my Daddy. How are we going to do it? 4 Now when he had left speaking, he said unto Simon, Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught. Those who launch out learn quickly that God accomplishes great things with a life wholly lived by faith, for without faith it is impossible to please him (Hebrews 11:6). Many people have lost their miracles because they are misers. Restrain, quit, desist, come to an end. My name is Japhet Takwa resident in Lagos here but I come from Taraba State. Im going to dance more! The Bible said, God looked down from heaven and said to that woman: No child!. Obedient. The focus in deep prayer is God, and through Christ Jesus we come into the presence of the Father.In deep prayer we hear Gods voice. Thats the only one who refuses to surrender his or her life to Jesus. My child was looking at me some how, she didnt know what was happening but my mouth was no more crooked but I looked lean and that night when I prayed that prayer I wrote a letter to Daddy that he should intercede for me but unfortunately those people that I wrote on that day didnt receive the letter until 5 months. He asked me to take six tablets a day, that the thing would be all right. Thank You for loving me., Butpraise says, Father, You are holy! Let somebody shout Alleluia! Trending post: Prayer for Multiple Streams of Income. God is heard in deep and sincere prayer. From tonight your fish will swim in the right direction. When I have an urgent need to take before the throne of God, I will often call a friend to pray with me. Enter into His gates with thanksgiving. Thank You Father for creating me in Your own image and likeness, not in the image of an animal. What is chasing you that you have to go to Holy Ghost Service? The Bible says, You do not have because you do not ask God. So never hesitate to ask God for what you need in 2023. Come next Holy Ghost Service let us seal the fate of Nigeria into a very good something. If Hes distributing 20,000 children, one way or the other, I know somebody will grab one! 11For what man knoweth the things of a man, save the spirit of man which is in him? Amen! Jesus ministry didnt target the upper classthose who would cause Him the least discomfort. (Amen!) Many of my friends who are Pastors have asked me: Tell us your secret, tell us! Ive even seen some people who have said, Tell us what you buried on the altar! I even know a relative of mine who said hes a Pastor. Launching out isnt about expanding our reputation or filling our ego. to put out; to return. May God continue to use you, Jamie powerfully and reveal things of the spirit we dont know of or understand in our relationship with God or as to how we ought to conduct ourselves and knowing God more through revelatory knowledge.