Difficulties expressing themselves to others. In this post, were looking at maybe the past 4-5 incarnations (which can still span hundreds or thousands of years). sun, moon or rising is a good indicator of starseed presence. Venus @ 2Gemini 5 Ways to Connect Wireless Headphones to TV. Aquarius is also one to watch out for. It is known as karma. Starseeds with very well integrated Arcturian energy are likely to be very empathic and connected to the collective consciousness. If you have repeating numbers in any of the degree or aspect positions e.g. Ive read many birth charts over the years. You've always felt different from everyone else. Starseeds may have a strong feeling that they do not belong here on Earth and struggle with certain things that happen in this dimension and on this planet. Here, youll find tools, insight, and actionable guidance to help you along your path. 2.5 years apart we are both figuring out our souls journey. Personally, I feel more pulled to the modern version, but you can work with the one that resonates with you the most. Start projects ideas but move in to next easily distracted If you watch tarot card readings on Youtube, youll hear some readers refer to your placidus placements this is the column theyre referring to in your birth chart. The Andromedan starseed energy is very beautiful, powerful and kind. They are wise beyond their age; people often refer to them as old souls. You find that you are a good judge of character, and often at first sight. have very intricate designs and are usually located on the back of their neck or shoulder but can be anywhere in their body. My north node is also in Gemini. You can either do this as an object (like sitting under a tree or standing in the middle of a forest) or as a person (going for a walk outside). Im a big advocate for the planet and what is being done to her and what we need to do to stop it! If that doesnt work for you then try the following steps: Try to imagine a circle around the outside of your body and notice where it would touch down on your physical form. These are just general waypoints Ive seen in many charts over the past few years. The Placidus Orb column is what you might know as houses. All sun signs have the potential to be a starseed, but those with a water sign e.g. If not, itll just be like normal. Julia is the founder of The Spirit Nomad and helps lightworkers step into their power and soul mission. What does do your shadow work mean. *Every time you about to go to sleep, someone or something seems to be calling out your name; sometimes it feels friendly and sometimes it feels hateful. You're not afraid to take to move away from the flock and forge your own path. Some sages and seers claim these markings are placed there as a reminder to the incarnated being. *You feel like youre being pulled somewhere either towards an object or a specific location- but theres no logical explanation as to why. I have learnt i am a starseed (not sure which type) and i have found and connected with my Twin Flame in this lifetime. Some Starseed may have the sole purpose of assisting human beings as healers or spiritual masters. I have actually written a whole blog post about this topic. Angel Number 7777 Meaning: 6 Powerful Reasons Youre Seeing It! Chriron in 1st House. I hope to earn money with my dance to built houses for them and I want all childeren to have there own room. How do I find out exactly? It depends entirely on your unique soul blueprint which is a result of your current (and previous) lifetimes and experiences here on Earth. An example of a birth chart calculation; birth date (17 may 1997) birth place (houston) birth time (12:00am) = placidus houses. Starseed vs Lightworker: The 11 Real Differences! Gemini is another good indicator, especially if accompanied by other markings in the chart. Starseeds are essentially souls from alternate worlds that have chosen to incarnate on planet earth. Dont worry though if you dont have evident markings in your chart not every starseed does! Having Leo or Virgo in these signs symbolizes against being a starseed i.e. The destiny of a starseed (star child) is two fold: the first part relates to their mission in this lifetime , while the other part relates to how they will fit into God s plan for ascension . Connected to animals especially dogs. Thank you! But am still trying to know where i belong . To look at it from the perspective of someone like me, who has never been into astrology yet, was very interesting and enlightening. 2002-2023 LoveToKnow Media. *You feel like you just dont fit into society very well; people around you seem strange and distant (even if you are close to them) and you feel like youre on the outskirts of everything. Body. These birthmarks are not a requirement to be an Orian but do offer some insight into the particular consciousness evolution journey. Andromedan Starseed often has a deep connection to nature and ALL life forms. 2. Starseed markings or alignments can be found in your birth chart by looking at the position of the celestial bodies (Sun, Moon, the Planets, etc.) The auras are named according to their colors Indigo, Crystal, and Rainbow. I dont tend to look much at the Sun sign when giving readings because theyre so general and dont tell us much about ourselves beyond surface-level personality. Your Starseed markings are based on your birth chart. They are often adventurous people, looking for their purpose. (They have very interesting personalities)I have a huge crystal connection and love to learn about anything that has to do with spirituality. Even though there are many people who do have one (or more) starseed marking(s) that doesnt mean everyone else will too! How do I find out what type I am? Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces are most likely to resonate with and be in tune with their previous starseed incarnations, making it easier for them to connect with this celestial energy. Taurus, I am a star seed indigo one from series born 1969 August 26th Virgo is there anything else you can tell me thank you, Welcome to The Spirit Nomad! It is said that every time we incarnate into physical plane as human beings our soul splits in many different fragments. A starseed is a person whose soul has not originated from this planet. Do you feel an undeniable pull towards the stars in the midnight sky? THE MOST NOTABLE AND INTERESTING NATAL STARSEED MARKINGS: DEGREES If you have repeated numbers in any of the degree or aspect locations, as in the example I gave above (533, 311), this is often an indication of psychic ability or the existence of starseeds in your natal chart. Other signs in Sun that could indicate past starseed origin include: Virgo, Aries, and Sagittarius. The Starseed Markings are also known as star freckles, birthmarks or Hindu marks and they are considered to be a particular kind of spiritual brand that is chosen at conception for each embryo. Am more creative, thus I do music and I do overthink,, and a times I read mind and think what someone might be thinking and even my sir name Ochieng means when the sun is out shining The Aura is said to be our very own energy field that surrounds each human body and it corresponds with our emotions and physical health. I love this website to automatically draw up birth charts. Starseeds are beings in the human form living on Earth their human lives. Sages and seers proclaim that triangle or crescent-shaped markings on the shoulder are a sign of an Arcturian starseed. Just saying. Right now, I say out loud and dont care who hears mebeam me Scottie, I want to go Home. Physical Signs to Know Starseed Awakening #Disorientation Your body will have so much energy zooming in and out and throughout your body, it might make you feel queasy, unstable and shaky. Lastly, you could even try meditating and tuning into your third eye chakra to see whether or not it can sense your energy signatures that way (this works best with people who already have markings on their physical body as well.). They are ancient souls who have deep spiritual wisdom, and have been dormant before choosing to share their gifts and knowledge with the beings of this planet. There are many different types of markings and its one of those things that is completely unique to your personal starseed because the creators made each individual one slightly different just like fingerprints or snowflakes. The best way to deal with this dilemma is by meditating more until the connection gets weaker. its unlikely for someone with a true starseed origin to have these markings in their chart, mainly due to stubbornness (though not impossible if supported by other markings!). They are likely to feel connected to the collective consciousness and to other people. Love and light The tropical placidus orb is just one of many fancy terms and house systems astrologers can use to find out what sign rules each house. Design mine is in virgo at 1914. Thank you for this. I am born under the Moon rising sign of Aries, and am a 4th generation witch, and empath. Im pretty sure I am a Pleidian Starseed. I have onions belt on my arm and rhe big dipper on my chest Im am Aquarius every thing in my life points to orion but I cant help think pleiadian ??? Their bodies often feel like an entrapment so they long to be free. We help lightworkers step into their power and soul mission. Thanks! Attracted to natural bodies of water. The second way: If neither of those methods work for you, then Im afraid youre out of luck and its time to ask an elder or someone who is able to read your markings so that they can help you. All other planets are in 7-12. We are here because we were invited. Their arms and legs are typically long in proportion to their . The last meaning is the most profound. However, like with everything in this reality, we can never know for sure, so exercise your own discernment and only take on as truth that which resonates for you as truth. if you ever want to check out an alien chart, maybe youd like to take a closer look at mine. This is because these types of markings resonate on a much higher level and are not necessarily visible to the naked eye. The Starseed Characteristics of Each Zodiac Sign Aries (March 21-April 19) If you feel you possess a vast store of energy and drive, and are even frustrated at the physical limitations of your body - this is a clear sign that you are a starseed. Asc 29Sag with Capricorn intercepted 1st house. This will give them a strong intuition, they will likely be able to 'feel' another person's emotions. In general, this kind of marking has two main meanings: 1. Moleomancy, the art of divination by moles is a form of maculomancy, which is the art of divination using birthmarks. The only exception to this rule is with Virgo and Taurus south nodes. Related: What is a Starseed? Surface Studio vs iMac - Which Should You Pick? Exciting times indeed, thanks for sharing your story. A Hathor Planetary Message. They are wise beyond their age; people often refer to them as, Starseeds can also be grouped based on auras, and each one carries a different set of personality traits. 50, 51, 52, 53, 54 or 55 tends to show old soul, If Saturn, Jupiter, Mercury, Venus, Mars or Capricorn is strong in your chart (shows up 3 times or more), there is likely to be an, If Cancer or Scorpio are strong or are in a Sun placement, its likely a. Good question. Sense things in others and keep to small groups large crowds drain me There are traits (physical and personality) that reveals if youre a starseed or not, and you can also see signs in your birth chart. These things are sometimes difficult to pinpoint because they have no physical form but the truth will always reveal itself if you pay attention enough! -had several African incarnations, have African ancestry, or interest in African mythology. The first chart shows you what youre most likely already comfortable with; your sun, moon, and rising (ascendant) sign, along with all your other planetary positions. Pleiadian Starseeds are more likely to be light-skinned, blonde, blue-eyed, and Nordic-looking. Those born with Virgo, Sagittarius, Aquarius, Aries, Libra, or Gemini in the Uranus position carry the strongest starseed traits and characteristics. In this article I describe starseed alignments for the Pleiades - scroll down to the bottom of this page to find them! Planet + Sign + House = Birth Chart significance. As true responsibility is accepted for self and personal happiness, they will flourish and the physical body will respond with radiance. The best way to deal with this dilemma is by meditating more until the energies get less dense (and/or surround yourself in nature) and then ground before sleep time. The best way to deal with this dilemma is by meditating more until the connections get weaker, then surrounding yourself in nature to help re-charge yourself. 2023 LoveToKnow Media. over-eating is not natural for them. They can be any race, skin color, and background. #2 You feel a desire to counsel, inspire, and provide guidance to others, to assist them in their journey. People are often drawn to their birthmarks and wonder what are the meaning behind them. If you dont however then theres no reason to worry as theres another method that should work with just about anyone! A typical example is their body temperature which is warm in the winter and cold in the summer. Would You Like To Know If You Have Starseed Markings In Your Birth. Sagittarius in moon through to mars can indicate someone who is a visionary with heightened intuition and creativity. -very observant, especially of sound and music. Absolutely! My mother just died last March, so now I really feel like an orphan Although I admit that I was always pretty much an outsider in my own family. Mars on the cusp of Leo, Jupiter on the cusp of Cancer. People just dont care about this Planet and it hurts me to my core the cruelty is devastating and painful. 6) Wisdom seeker and always looking for answers to deep . Like with other Starseeds, Orians can have unique birthmarks or markings on their skin. Or perhaps youre looking to find more information about your Starseed origins. the sun in taurus, ascendant capricorn, moon in virgo, mercury in taurus, venus in gemini, and mars in virgo. Im just wanting to know whats legit and what the possibilities are, Your mother and father of different descents perhaps?