Commercial Real Estate ROI

    Investors, both institutional and private, have begun to favor Commercial Real Estate (CRE) due to its great returns and investment portfolio diversification. Which safeguards assets from the volatility of the market. However, investing in CRE isn’t a cakewalk, and being acquainted with the unwritten rules of CRE dealings is a good idea. Expected Returns …

Step up Your Investing Game with Portfolio Diversification Strategy

    Markets are never promising and stagnant. There may be a sudden boom or there might be a sudden downfall. In such instances, it does not become an intelligent decision to invest all your money into one single asset class. Portfolio Diversification strategy in investment portfolios might come as a savior in such instances. The …

Smarter ways to Invest & Earn Alternative Income

    No matter how hard our hustle there is always a gap between how we imagine life and reality. This persists to be a common feeling in all working individuals earning insufficient income. That one expensive trip you wanted to take. Or a dream car you wanted to buy or a luxury house you wanted …

What are Alternative Investments?

    Alternative investments are asset classes that aren’t stocks, bonds, or cash. These kinds of investments differ from traditional investment types because they aren’t easily sold or converted into cash. It’s also common for alternative investments to be referred to as alternative assets.     In the world of investment, the most popular alternative investments are …

7 ways Block chain is Revolutionizing Real Estate Sector

    Real Estate has been considered one of the most suitable investment options in the market for many years. Providing investors with profitable returns and a steady passive income. Yet, many people, especially small investors looking to invest in real estate have often been discouraged. The traditional process of buying property. Which is tedious and …

5 Important tips to earn maximum passive income from your rental investments

    Rental properties are considered to be a great source of passive income all around the world. This method seems to be an efficient way to build your wealth. However, you must know the ins and outs by conducting proper due diligence. There are so many factors that you should consider while you are investing …

Retirement Planning: Traditional real estate method vs. Cryptocurrency?

    Retirement planning today offers investors a great deal of freedom and a wide range of choices. The retirement money was previously invested in pension schemes or other traditional vehicles such as stocks, bonds, mutual funds, treasury notes, etc., but that is not the case now. As the times have evolved and technology has developed. …

Techniques to Manage Risk when Investing in Real Estate

    Any form of investment has a certain level of risk associated with it. Real estate investing. Like any other speculative undertaking, entails a number of risks. Among these risks, some risks can be systematically estimated and avoided where as some are not within as investor’s control. For example, investors can avoid the risk of …

Fractional Ownership: An alternative investment to direct property investment

    For many people, investing in real estate is a costly proposition. With modern investment models enabled by technology now available, high-end homes appear to be within most Indians’ reach. A direct real estate investment involves purchasing a specific property. Either residential or commercial, and earning money through rental revenue, appreciation, and profits derived from …